Mari E. Ramler
I am an Associate Professor of English at Tennessee Technological University. My research and pedagogy investigate how multiply marginalized users communicate within global, scientific, religious, technical, and professional contexts.
Mari E. Ramler
I am an Associate Professor of English at Tennessee Technological University. My research and pedagogy investigate how multiply marginalized users communicate within global, scientific, religious, technical, and professional contexts.
A donut encircles the Tennessee Tech University logo.
An Associate Professor in the English department at Tennessee Tech University, I teach undergraduate and graduate Professional and Technical Communication courses as well as the occasional literature course. Please click the Teaching link to peruse sample syllabi. I direct MA in English PTC graduate digital portfolios. I also serve as faculty sponsor of the student club Alpha Psi Phi.
I write at the intersection of cultural and digital rhetorics. My curiosity has led me to publish articles on queer usability, breast rhetorics, and Beyoncé. Please click the Writing link to read representative publications.
campus couple
The Breakfast Club